03. Internal and External Parasite Prevention
Puppys need to be started on a monthly heartworm and internal parasite prevention. This will prevent heartworm disease as well as internal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms (depending on the product).
For intestinal parasites, we start our puppies with Pyrantel Pamoate at 4 weeks and 6 weeks of age. We recommend a fecal floatation at your first vet visit and that you follow your veterinarian's recommendations thereafter.
Heartworm preventative is a MUST for your puppy throughout her life. Heartworm is now regularly found in Ohio, is deadly and easily preventable. Discuss your options with your veterinarian.
We consider flea and tick prevention optional since there are some potential side effects to these pesticides. Please discuss your flea and tick options with your veterinarian and feel free to ask Allison if you’re unsure about any specific product.